I've decided to change what i'm reviewing up a bit. I realized that I was trying to hard to be funny, trying to hard to make fun of bad stuff. I also realized that it just works better if I review stuff with merit, or go into detail about stuff that I'd like to talk about. So out goes the recaps... and in go some small recaps but mostly series reviews. But for my first revamp review I'm doing something near and dear to my heart: Get Over It.
For those of you who don't know, Get Over It is a(stops to go to wikipedia and look up the release date) 2001 teen comedy wrtten by R. Lee Fleeming Junior and Directed by Tommy O'Haver. O'Haver's only real other credits are "Ella Enchanted" and two movie's I've never heared of. Heck until today I didin't even know the same guy directed both Ella Enchanted and Get Over It. Huh, go figure.
As for why this film is personal to me:It's one of my faviorites. It may very well be my faviorite. You see my brother used to collect VHS tapes back when they were the dominant format and I still do. So when he got rid of most of them, I kept most of the comides while he sold the rest at a garage sale. One of them happens to be Get Over It and for the last... however long it's been since I got it I've watched that movie alot at my dads. I eventually got a DVD copy, lent it to my freind, then got it back and still watch the DVD ocaisnally. The movies far from perfect, but as I said it's one of my faviorites. But what exactly is Get Over It?
In the late 90's/early 00's there was a bit of a trend. While It's, as far as I know, only a handful of films, alot of unrelated directors did comedys that were loosely based on Shakespeare.... and one really, really, really weird modern update with the original dialogue staring Leonardo DeCaprio I watched back in High School as part of my english class. But in this case the films barley, just barley, based on A Mid-Summer Night's Dream, as a musical version is used as a central part of the plot, and yes it's just as rediculous and hilarious as it sounds. But what is the plot, you may ask. Well i'll tell you, you may ask.
Berke Landers had this childhood freind, Allison Nolastname. She moved away when they were kids but then she came back. Then they dated for a year , and i'll let Berke lead us into what comes next.
"I thought it would last forever. Boy was I a dumbass"
Yup, after a year of dating she dumps him with an akward metaphor and sends him packing with his stuff, which she packed up. He then has a bizzare dream sequence where early 00's singer i'd never heared of outside of this movie, Vitamin C, lipsyncs to it. He's forced to tell his parents on their tv show "Love Matters" (where they were not only just demonstrating a sexual techinque, but his dad asked if Coolio wanted to get on this. yes I said Coolio and his face is priceless. that's half the reason to see the movie right there. ). And when I say forced, they could tell something was wrong and instead of handling it at home, they force him to share.
Burkes friends, or rather his rascally sidekick Felix, played by Tom Hanks son collin. He's kindaof just the snarky sidekick here who gets Burke into all sorts of crap, but he's still entertaining. Plus he turned out better than his other son "Chet" who's apparently trying to be a rapper. Who talks about token up and drinkin while at college. I am going to have to make fun of this, I know I have a new direction but still it's superstar Tom Hanks son trying to rap. It's going to be Vanilla Ice all over again, mark my words. Or he'll crash and burn
which is just as fun. Speaking of rap and crashing and burning, Burkes other freind, Dennis, whose name i'm suprised I know, is played by early 2000's hit Sisqo, or for those of you who don't recognize the name "The Thong Song Guy". Felix is on a hunt for ass but finds his sister Kelly and her freind Basin. Yeah I had to use Wikipedia again for her name, and i'm just going to call her Mila Cunis just like i'll call Denis Sisquo, because I'm not using the name "Basin" in a semi-serious context and Siquo is just to rub it in that Sisquo's career died not long after this. Anywho, the Doctor is about to sympathy murder the Star Whale until Amy figures out that it will work with the humans, even faster, they've just got to stop hurting it's brain and i'm talking about Doctor Who now aren't I? Oh and Kelly is played by Kirstin Dunst, who would go on to star in spider-man and come up with batshit insane ideas for the franchise.
But who should be at the club but Allison, with her best friend Zoe Saldana, who says it's time to move on. And she does and dances with, and ends up making out with, Striker, who's british and we'll know more about in a bit. Berke is devastated and tries calling her but Felix and Sisquo try their damdest to stop him from making an ass of himself. When he can't get a hold her he decides to saranade her(oh and trying to correct saranade got Sarah Jane, NICE) Meanwhile Allison and Zoe Saldana watch Strykers music video since he was in a boy band called the Swingtown Lads, which is a spot on boy band parody.
Berke tries to sing to Allison but is so bad he gets a nice glass of BOOT TO THE HEAD. A week or two later Berke is farting rainbows and is slightly over Allison... but while he's come to grips with losing her he's not about to giver her up to that british megadouche. So he tries to humilate Stryker at basketaball, since Berke and Co are on the Basketball team. Unforutnatley Berke ends up getting a ball to the face and a talk with Allison who mentions she's trying out for the school play with Stryker.
Berke then decides that the best way to get her back is to join them in the play. But theres a few holes in his plan: He can's sing, he can't act and as he puts it when reading A Midsummers Night Dream "I'm only understanding about every other word of this shit" so Kelly offers to help. On a side note:KRISTIN DUNST AND MILA KUNIS IN BIKINIS. YES THEY USED THIS FOR PROMOTION AND YOU PROBABLY CAN FIGURE OUT WHY. So Kelly tutors Burke and the day of the audtions hit. Now I forgot where it was but we were introduced to the play earlier and our director, Doctor Desomond Forest Oates, who wrote this musical, is hilarious and a bit of a douche and is played by Martin Short. He also has an assistant whos name I forget but has to put up with his egomanical bullshit. So anyways audtioning for the play are theater regular Peter Wong, who literally sings like a girl, Striker, who sings the same song burke did but better, and Kelly who perfoms her own song, which oates trashes the minute he finds out it's hers. Burke, not realzing it's the singing audition, wings it with the big red song. He get's everyone singing but only lands the all important roll of soldier #3. In fact heres the cast.
A Mid Summers Rocking Eve
With 13 original songs written by Doctor Desomond Forrest Oates:
Lysander: Peter Wong
Hermia: Allison Nolastname
Demetrius: Striker Mcdouchebag
Helena: Kelly Kuposki
Puck: Little Steve
Other Faires: Background Charicters and Mila Kunis
Black Best Friend: Siquo
Quirky Scheming Best Friend:
Sassy Black Woman:Zoe Saldana
Soldier #1: Bruce Cambell
Soldier #2: Marky Mark Wallberg
Soldier #3: Berke Landers
The rehersals interfer with B-Ball a bit but that dosen't bother doctor oates. So at the first one we're introduced to little steve, who name nonwithstanding, will do nothing outside of fantasy sequences and one funny scene. Berke then nods off and we get a very bizzare dream sequence where Bekre, playing Lysander. A swordfight insues, berke wakes up humilated and you get the picture. Also the next scene has Berke accidently showing his ass. He's as emaressed as I was seeing it.
Moving on Berke and Kelly grow closer as she tutors him in his roll, Allison pushes Berke away and Striker, being the pissant that he is, let's burke know that he's on to him. Meanwhile Felix comes up with a zany scheme: Since Sisquo is in shop with her, Felix has Sisquo get Dara Lynn to go on a blind date with Burke. Dara Lynn is accident prone and was put in a coma for a few years, so she's still in high school But as hot as she is, she ends up setting the restraunt on fire through her luck. Felix is detemined not to give up and goes to his plan B, which he always uses:Strip Club. He drags Berke to one but it turns out it's S&M night and Burkes the Victim. Then again it's Carmen Electra so hey, could be worse. Carmen Electra got the short end of the stick because, due to being a bit cruler and out of pace with the film for the MPAA's taste, they had to cut the scene to about a minute before the cops break in. But since Berke was put in a harness he's both saved from a kinky beating and arrested. And if you'll recall his parents are insane and kinky so they say it's natural, offer to take him for frogurt, or home to polish the rocket. Yogurts good. and I didnt' make up polish the rocket: Berke's mom did.
Word get's out at school so Stryker brings this up, only for Berke to defect him with sarcasm. Then things really get awesome when Stryker pulls nunchucks out of his pants. Berke even asks who keeps Nunchucks in there pants. But this bit of beign a showoffy douche backfires as the Nunchucks fire off and hit Oates assitant, who accidently injures Wong. Wong vows revenge, which shall only be mentioned in a deleted scene i'll get back to towards the end. Oates is looking for replacements and... PUT YOUR HAND DOWN LITTLE STEVE YOU ALREADY HAVE A PART, he bellows. So Kelly offres up Berke. Oates is desprate enough to take it which means CASTING CHANGE!
Lysander:Berke Landers
Hermia: Allison Nolastname
Demetrius: Striker Mcdouchebag
Helena: Kelly Kuposki
Puck: Little Steve
Other Faires: Background Charicters and Mila Kunis
Quirky Scheming Best Friend:
Sassy Black Woman:Zoe Saldana
Soldier #1: Bruce Cambell
Soldier #2:Javiar "I can't walk, I can' hump I can't do nothing man" Bardem
Soldier #3 and Black Best Friend : Siquo "Thong Song Guy" Siquo
Vengance Shall Be Mine Quoth Alvis:Peter Wong
Pretty Dumb Blonde Walking Disaster Area: Dora Lysander
Vicitous Hunting Wolf Attack Victim: Pauly Shore
So Kelly helps Burke cram for the roll... and accidently shoots him with what she thought was a prop bow, Kelly's crush on Burke becomes more obvious and Other stuff. Kelly also tries to get Oates to replace his horrible song "Pocket Full of Dreams" with her generic but less rediculous song with Shakespehere quotes. But Oates wrote it for Diana Ross( again not makign this up but I have to say it for leagal reasons) and to parapharase: I AM GOD HERE. DON'T QUESTION ME YOU BLONDE TWIT. I WAS PEFORMING SHAKESPHERE BEFORE YOU COULD SPELL YOUR NAME.
So while Burke gets Kelly a recorder as the show aproaches, Felix looks at his check list for teen comedy sidekick.
Be overprotective of sister X
Be a pervert all of the time X
Set friend up on bad blind date X
Strip Club X
Strip Club
Strip Club X
Have too much gel in my hair X
House Party X
Have Sex With One Of My Freinds Mother X*
*Checked because Berkes parents invited him for a threesome, and felix was like "eh free sex".
So Berke and Kelly practice but before anything cna happen between them Felix calls and reveals he's started a raging party. So Berke and Kelly go. Berke goes to find and murder Felix but both find that Kellys being hit on by THE MIGHTY HUMAN PENIS I mean Stryker. Felix steps in, not that it was necessary, and Stryker runs... and makes out with Zoe Saldana. Long story short Allison figures out Strykers a human penis, Berke kisses Kelly, but she backs out because he's in a weired place and Felix punches him in the face. Oh and his parents show up and would've sprung for a DJ. Berke chews them out for being.. insane(And while the threesome really didin't happen, it's fairly plausable.)
IT'S THE BIG SHOW YA'LL. Allison wants Berke back, Berke is conflicted and Mila Kunis' dance parnter is out. But since Sisquos had a crush on her the whole movie and can dance, he steps in. THE FINAL CASTING SHEET:
Lysander:Berke Landers
Hermia: Allison Nolastname
Demetrius: Striker Mcdouchebag
Helena: Kelly Kuposki
Puck: Little Steve
Other Faires: Background Charicters and Mila Kunis and Sisquo
Quirky Scheming Best Friend:
Sassy Black Woman and Adulteress :Zoe Saldana
Soldier #1: Bruce Cambell
Soldier #2:Javiar "I can't walk, I can' hump I can't do nothing man" Bardem
Soldier #3 and Black Best Friend : Siquo "Thong Song Guy" Siquo
Vengance Shall Be Mine Quoth Alvis(And Then he shot that guy right in the face):Peter Wong
Pretty Dumb Blonde Walking Disaster Area: Dora Lyn
Vicitous Hunting Wolf Attack Victim Who Gets Castrated So He May Never Breed : Pauly Shore
Oberon:Doctor Desomnd Forest Oates
Titania: Simon "P Cookie" Cook
Himself: Tv's Frank
Table #3: Poof Poof Poof Poof
So the play happens with awesomely hialrious songs and is one of the highlights of the film, and Sisquo literally sweeps Kelly off her feet. . During the act break Berke changes the music to kelly's song, and Stryker takes things a bit too far by having the effects guys activate the effects cue when Berke crosses. I mean Doucherys one thing but we're talking horrible injury. So Kelly realizes from the gesture that she was wrong, and before Strykers scheme can happen, Burke heartwarmingly changes the verse and chooses Kelly. Striker protests but accidently cues the explosion and gets blown into the sky. This also blows Dora Lynn into Felix and feel free to insert your own dirty joke hear.
In the end Kelly and Burke are togheter, Felix got himself a girl, Siquo finally got Mila Kunis, and the tech dudes stryker bribed are happy that Strykers face got blown up, while Oates is happy he won't have to conduct for the national hobo orchestra. Oh and in aformentioned deleted scene Wong swings from the rafters otu of nowhere and attack stryker, shouting REVENGE!. It's random and Hilarious but easy to see why they cut it out. Oh and one last thing DANCE PARTY. Yes Sisquo and Vitaman C pefrom a pretty good verison of September. Contary to the Thong Song Sisquo can actually sing songs that aren't about the Buttocks.
So That's Get Over it. I was a bit snarky to it but god I love it. Sure it's a wee bit goofy but it's funny entertaining and I always enojoy seing it, cliches and all. Well that's all folks, until next im time:Courage.
Final Grade: A-
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